October 2, 2011

Yesterday was uneventful….today was anything but. Mike was in so much pain today and so uncomfortable. He’s retained a lot of fluid in his belly again as they haven’t been able to drain it because of the low blood pressure. It’s been a week tomorrow since we’ve been able to do anything with this fluid. So, not only was the back hurting today but the belly was too. They moved him to another floor where they can monitor him a bit more closely…something similar to ICU. The idea was to hook him up to self-induced pain control but that didn’t happen once again due to the low blood pressure. In fact, his pressure and respiration got so low, they called in back-up. Pretty scary for awhile this afternoon. It did come back up some and he seemed to be more relaxed when I left tonight. He was sleeping facing forward leaning against a tray table!! Whatever works to get him to sleep some. Dustin stayed with him and they have moved him again to a different room. This one has the ability to do dialysis. Hopefully, this will be something they can do tomorrow too! He didn’t seem to be in as much pain either so we’re praying for rest!!
There was a couple things to smile about today…when we got there this morning he was sitting in his chair with his new Payton jersey on. None of the nurses put it on him! I guess he knew it was game day!! He also took a walk down the hall to the visitors lounge which was quite impressive. He hasn’t been out of his room in days. Guess he wanted to show off that new jersey!!